[RFI] RFI Digest, Vol 207, Issue 21
Randy Diddel
k5rhd.73 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 15:42:56 EDT 2020
Hi Dan,
I reached out to you directly after hearing about your issue. I too have this problem with my Samsung gas stove. For me, the issue is the worst with as little as 15W on 40M and 50W on 17 and 20 meters.
The first time I came downstairs saw that the oven was on and already heated to 400+ degrees, I knew immediately what happened.
My oven model: NX58M6630SG
If you find a solution on your own that really works, I would love to know the exact list of parts and methodology you used. If you get the ‘ear’ of someone at Samsung, PLEASE pass the contact information to me directly off list.
Thanks and 73,
> On Apr 25, 2020, at 10:00 AM, rfi-request at contesting.com wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 13:42:43 -0400
> From: "Dan" <w8car at buckeye-express.com <mailto:w8car at buckeye-express.com>>
> To: <rfi at contesting.com <mailto:rfi at contesting.com>>
> Subject: [RFI] Samsung oven RFI update
> Message-ID: <3E886EE9D55E4236A3CCD65B8A392407 at TurdFerguson>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Gents, I wound 10 turns of an old computer AC cord around 2 cores I had laying around. Not sure of their lineage but think they might be 43 or 61 mix. These have an ID of about 1.5 inches. I also added a bunch of snap on ferrite to the remaining cord. This was for testing purposes only as it would not be a safe NEC approved install. The termination of one end of the cord was an wall outlet sans box wrapped in electrical tape
> I pulled the stove out (getting pretty good at this!) and installed the jury rigged choke in line with the power cord.
> RESULTS: Initial results show NO RFI to the stove at 100 watt level on any band. On 20, the worst offender, I could get up to about 1KW before the oven began to fault. All other bands seemed to be fine at full power.
> Next steps: I ordered some of the Fair rite 2631814002 31 mix toroids from Newark on line. These have a 3 inch ID to allow winding cord easily. They seemed to have the best price of any supplier at this time. When those arrive I will be making the MOC (mother of all chokes) up for permanent installation. I think with the right material and careful planning the problem should be under control.
> I am still going to contact Samsung so they have a record of the problem if anything further happens or the oven craps out unexpectedly.
> Once again, Thanks to all, especially W1VLF of the ARRL, for his call and advice.
> I will keep the list posted when I get the new choke installed ? hopefully a success story!
> 73
> Dan W8CAR
> Socially distancing but reaching out via the ether
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