[RFI] Part 15 Rules Applicable to Solar Panel RFI

James Gordon Beattie Jr w2ttt at att.net
Wed Aug 19 22:24:49 EDT 2020


Part 18 is useful, but keep in mind that conducted emissions that meet spec, but can lead to radiated emissions that are impairments that are not covered.

Such is the mess of the rules. 


Gordon Beattie, W2TTT 


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On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 10:15 PM -0400, "Mike / W5JR" <w5jr.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, 15.5 and 18.111 should cover the landscape for all unintentional radiators & ISM radiators with regards to licensed services, notwithstanding their “test” results. 

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

On Aug 19, 2020, at 9:28 PM, EDWARDS, EDDIE J  wrote:

Since solar panels are part of an electrical system, the same rules that apply the RFI from electrical power lines should also apply to electrical power generation.
I've never heard of a utility successfully argue that their RFI conducted emissions meets part 15 limits so they're allowed to cause harmful RF interference to licensed radio services.
That would legalize unlicensed spark gap transmitters as long as they could meet conducted limits in part 15.
Also, ARRL RFI Book only mentions part 15 for powerline interference  if I  remember correctly.

73, de ed -K0iL

Sent from Workspace ONE Boxer

On Aug 19, 2020 6:35 PM, Mike - W5JR  wrote:
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I expect that they fall under Part 18, like home appliances and outdoor lighting.

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

> On Aug 19, 2020, at 18:49, Tony  wrote:
> All:
> I need a refresher course on Part-15 and how the rules might apply to solar panel RFI affecting frequencies below 30 MHz.
> According to section 15.3m (paraphrasing here) harmful interference is defined as ANY RADIATED EMISSION that interrupts radio communications to the amateur radio service.
> Assuming the solar panel system components are classified as unintentional radiators, the emissions limits below 30 MHz pertain to conducted emissions and to the best of my knowledge, do not include radiated emissions.
> So the question is whether harmful interference as defined in section 15.3 (m) overrides the fact that there are no radiated limits below 30 MHz?
> Do I have that right?
> Tony -K2MO
> *
> *
> *Harmful**interference*:/§ 15.3 (m) Harmful interference. Any emission, radiation or induction that endangers the functioning of a radio navigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunications service operating in accordance with this Chapter./The rules for nearly every licensed radio service prohibit harmful interference and that includes the Amateur Radio Service.
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