[RFI] FM Wireless Mic on 144.160MHz

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Fri Aug 28 21:42:30 EDT 2020

It would be interesting to know the manufacturer and model - because if 
they have it many others may as well - and that could become a problem 
we need to get ahead of.

I'm sure their sound person will be happy to have the conversation.

73, David KD4E

> A local church has a FM microphone that is transmitting on  > 144.160MHz, and I can also hear it 20kHz above and below that > 
frequency. I'm not sure if 144.160MHz is the principal signal or if > 
it's some mixing product. Would anyone know what brand/model wireless > 
microphone would cause this? > > It wasn't much of a problem when they 
only used it on Sunday > mornings, but they have a ton of activities now 
and they use that > microphone a lot more. Tonight is movie night and 
the mic is on... > > 73, --Alex KR1ST

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