[RFI] FM Wireless Mic on 144.160MHz

Tom k8tb at bosscher.org
Fri Aug 28 22:20:40 EDT 2020

There is a good possibility that the 144.16 is not the primary 
frequency, but a sub-harmonic of the output (times 4, 5  or 6). Time to 
be a good neighbor, and help them with it. Many folks, for whatever 
reason, think that only they can receive their particular wireless 
microphone. When I show them that I can hear it on a $ 30 radio, they 
are stunned.

But do let them know they have a problem.

Tom K8TB

>>> A local church has a FM microphone that is transmitting on 
>>> 144.160MHz, and I can also hear it 20kHz above and below that 
>>> frequency. I'm not sure if 144.160MHz is the principal signal or if 
>>> it's some mixing product. Would anyone know what brand/model 
>>> wireless microphone would cause this? 

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