[RFI] SDR software that displays actual waveform of received signal????
Don Kirk
wd8dsb at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 11:00:47 EST 2020
Hi Jim,
Great on Spectrum Lab. I use it off and on, but had no idea it had the
built-in scope feature, but more importantly what appears to be a user
defined sync time within the scope feature. I really need to see how the
sync time works, and will figure that out tonight to see if it does what I
think it will do. If the sync time does what I think it will do, then
Spectrum Lab may indeed fill some of the void I have in my portable RFI
tracking toolkit.
There are getting to be so many noise sources that conventional RFI
direction finding is getting to be very difficult in a lot of cases where
the noise is not on discrete frequencies, and especially in cases where
there are multiple sources of broadband noise on top of each other which
are located within a very small geographic area, and finding the true
offending device is getting to be more and more difficult.
Don (wd8dsb)
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 10:33 AM AA5CT <jwin95 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Don,
> Audio "demodulated" (sent through the PC audio chain) could be recorded
> using Audacity then "edit" (view) the waveform?
> There used to be a freeware "scope" software put out by a few firms
> a decade plus back, the issue now being would they work under
> Win 10?
> I use "Spectrum Lab" and its built-in scope for real-time viewing of
> repetitive waveforms (and display on a 2nd channel a 60 or 120
> Hz "reference" waveform for time ref) In Spectrum Lab it is
> under: Components | Time domain scope.
> Spectrum Lab does take a little getting used to though ...
> 73, de AA5CT
> .
> .
> On Monday, February 3, 2020, 7:24:27 AM CST, Don Kirk <wd8dsb at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I track down a lot of sources of RFI, and one tool I'm missing is SDR
> software that can actually display the waveform of the noise I'm receiving
> (amplitude vs time like an oscilloscope). I use various SDR software but
> they only display the spectrum plot and the waterfall plot. I'm looking
> for something that captures more of what you would capture on an
> Oscilloscope(something that displays the received signal in which Amplitude
> vs. Time is plotted over lets say a 20 mS time period).
> I say 20 milli-second time period because this is the time period that
> would capture a full cycle of 60 hertz power plus a little extra time, and
> this is also the time period that the Radar Engineers model 243 captures so
> I could hopefully better correlate my findings with what the local power
> company sees using their model 243.
> Appreciate someone pointing me toward SDR software that can accomplish this
> task, especially if I can use it with an RTL-SDR receiver. I believe I
> have seen SDR software that can accomplish this, but don't recall what
> software it was, and if it would work with an RTL-SDR receiver.
> Don (wd8dsb)
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