[RFI] RFI from Seagate USB Disk Drive

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Sat Feb 8 22:44:31 EST 2020

How is the noise on 6 meters?  The device does not have radiated emissions limits below 30 MHz, but at 30.001 MHz, it must pass radiated tests.  If it is noisy on 6 meters, I'd like to take a look at its radiated emissions, so please send me a model number.


From: RFI <rfi-bounces+w1rfi=arrl.org at contesting.com> on behalf of N4ZR <n4zr at comcast.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2020 8:37 PM
To: RFI List <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] RFI from Seagate USB Disk Drive

Since there are probably a lot of those out there, I thought I'd report
finding that my Seagate USB 3.0 2TB disk drive was a major source of
broadband RFI 160-10 meters. Oddly, the problem wasn't with the separate
power supply (presumably switching) but with the drive itself. By trial
and error, I found out that 14 turns of the DC power cord on a #31
toroid right at the drive end eliminated the noise.  Reduced my noise
floor on 160 by roughly 20 dB, to the point that I can actually hear
atmospheric noise.  Step-by-step hi

73, Pete N4ZR
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