[RFI] Grow Lights

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 7 16:56:52 EST 2020

"On the subject of using a hand-held high-gain yagi at VHF or UHF, is it 
best to assume horizontal polarization, vertical polarization or does it 
matter at all? Thanks Mike K7PI"

It depends on the source, reflections, interactions, et cetera. Wave it 
around in various directions/angles (not randomly, though), until you 
hear what you want, then focus on what's best for what you need.  You 
may find yourself spinning in circles, and rotating/twisting around a 
bit.  I had one setup that heard noise one way, and 90 degrees off, in 
this case, horizontal vs. vertical, almost nothing.

I get an initial bearing by twisting left/right, horizontal/vertical 
(but not straight up unless that's the suspected source), while rotating 
around 360, and making a mental note of best reception direction.

Also, what you hear may not be on the ground, so sweep up, as well, if 
necessary.  You want to "paint" everything, initially.


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