[RFI] Guidance on finding noise?

Kenny Silverman kenny.k2kw at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 23:03:01 EST 2020

The noise is mainly on 160. Slight to no noise on 80/40, and no detection at AM VHF. 

Regards , Kenny K2KW 

> On Jan 11, 2020, at 10:16 PM, AA5CT <jwin95 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Kenny, 
> Did you whip out your VHF and UHF beams with an AM rx
> mode receiver once close to the suspect poles? That is the
> only way, and it is a conclusive way, that I have found to ID 
> noisy power poles once the HF DF loop gets you in the
> area of the noise source.
> de AA5CT
> .
> .
> On Saturday, January 11, 2020, 9:03:04 PM CST, Kenny Silverman <kenny.k2kw at gmail.com> wrote:
> KC4D,N3AC and N3CW went hunting with a KX3 and a DX Engineering Amplified RX loop and again didn’t find anything conclusive. Basically they said the loop performed about the same as one of the AM radios we have that’s fairly directional. 
> We’ve been looking so many times that we’re getting frustrated.  There are a few noisy clusters, but we can’t find a specific pole or house.  Nor can we assess if the noisy areas are actually the key offender(s)
> Do we call in the clusters we found ?  Or do we really need to pinpoint the source(s) better before we ask for crews to come out?  We’re concerned about crying wolf and/or giving a list of more than a dozen poles for the power company to look at. 
> Regards , Kenny K2KW 
> P.S.  the only success so far is fixing my subject line typo 🤓

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