[RFI] RFI Digest, Vol 208, Issue 24

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Sat May 23 22:00:50 EDT 2020

I suspect a single correctly asked question on their facebook account 
would be far more effective, than a call to CS.

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 5/23/20 6:17 PM, AA5CT via RFI wrote:
>   Some interesting contacts at Samsung are listed here:
> https://www.elliott.org/company-contacts/samsung/
> 73 de AA5CT Jim
> .
> .
>       On Saturday, May 23, 2020, 07:59:46 PM CDT, Randy Diddel <k5rhd.73 at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Hi Dave,
> I have not tried any of what I consider bandaids to resolve the issue. Yes, I can probably kludge together some sort of solution but Paul (@ ARRL) brought up another good point which is this: what if you are triggering the same behavior at a neighbor’s house and do not know it? The point being that yes, I can probably mitigate the issue at my QTH but the problem is larger than me-it is a fire hazard and a potentially deadly problem. What if that neighbor goes on vacation and I accidentally turn the oven on and burn HER house down while she is off in the Bahamas or somewhere nice…
> I am more interested in getting someone at Samsung to listen earnestly to the issue and perhaps contact me to work with them on the issue which I am totally willing to do! I may sound a little like a gadfly about the issue but for me it is just as much about safety as it is my ability to enjoy the hobby.
> I have written to the CEO of Samsung from a web for submission. I have scoured their website for w snail mail address but I was unsuccessful in finding one.
> We just remodeled this house and have sunk a sizable amount of money into the appliances and I am really not excited at the prospect of having to replace this very expensive (to me) oven that should not have the issue. I bought the oven back in August or July of 2019. It sat in the box until it was ready to be installed and we did not start using it until we moved in at the end of January. I am way beyond Lowe’s return period on this.
> I will continue to update this list and the thread as I get more information as well as with any communication with Samsung directly.
> 73
> /randy
>> On May 23, 2020, at 6:03 PM, rfi-request at contesting.com wrote:
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sat, 23 May 2020 16:51:09 -0700
>> From: Dave Cole <dave at nk7z.net <mailto:dave at nk7z.net>>
>> To: rfi at contesting.com <mailto:rfi at contesting.com>
>> Subject: Re: [RFI] Samsung oven RFI update number II
>> Message-ID: <8b235174-ef41-f77c-24bc-cd10532cfd80 at nk7z.net <mailto:8b235174-ef41-f77c-24bc-cd10532cfd80 at nk7z.net>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> Randy,
>> I have lost track of what you have tried...  Have you run the power cord
>> of this device through an FT240-31 ferrite, with 6 or 7 turns of power
>> cable through the cores?
>> 73, and thanks,
>> Dave (NK7Z)
>> https://www.nk7z.net <https://www.nk7z.net/>
>> ARRL Volunteer Examiner
>> ARRL Technical Specialist
>> ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
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