[RFI] Request for Comment (Rheem RP1748 A/C System)

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Nov 5 17:41:58 EST 2020

On 11/5/2020 2:18 PM, Karin Johnson wrote:
> One toroid was placed at the Air Handler
> inside the attic of my home, the other toroid at the Compressor outside
> unit.  I know, some folks will probably say use type 31. 

Yes, considerable research has shown that #31 is quite superior for 160M 
and HF.

  The type 43 is
> what I had on hand and four turns provides about 20 dB suppression with this
> wiring construction, as measured on my network analyzer.
>>From some quick preliminary testing, it appears all of the RFI is GONE.
> No more RFI from the unit while it is running at normal load.

I strongly suspect that the same chokes placed on existing wiring (if it 
was long enough to wind the needed turns) would also have solved the 

73, Jim K9YC

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