[RFI] Green Wire RFI

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 06:13:23 EST 2020

> My propane water heater has a design that can vent to a PVC chimney. It has a
> blower motor that pumps room air into the exhaust to cool it. Naturally, it has
> an electrical connection.

Golly, the plan to make everything as expensive and complex and prone
to crap out as possible as found of all things, the simple gas water
heater.  What's next?  Lawn mowers probably.

Of course consumers know better and won't buy any nonsense so the
government will have to ban the simple stuff and force everyone to
comply.  Welcome to what used to be a democracy.

On its death bed:  The 80% efficient single stage gas furnace with AC motor.


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