[RFI] Soliciting Help From Certified RF Engineer

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Thu Sep 3 09:47:48 EDT 2020

Yes, but those measurements might convince Solar Edge that you do not have a problem, which is exactly what we don't want

What I recommend we do is to first have W1VLF use a probe and SDR to measure the noise from the inverters he has now by putting that probe a few inches away from the inverter and other wiring and logging it on a few bands.  We can then repeat the tests after Solar Edge installs a redesigned inverter.  That will tell us how many dB improvement we can expect.

We can then send the probe and SDR to you to measure your inverter the same way. If the noise levels are comparable or worse than Paul's present inverter, we will know that installing the inverter will make a difference.  At that point, I am convinced Solar Edge will do it.

But the only solution they can envision right now is the redesign and they don't want to start putting them in anywhere until they and Paul determine that it is worthwhile.

The good news is that another solar manufacturer has notice the hooplah and has contacted Paul, wanting to work on noise issues before they happen.

Unfortunately, redesigning product and retrofiitting in the field takes calendar time, so for the most part, now what we are drilled down this far, this is about as good as I could expect.


From: Tony <dxdx at optonline.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 8:32 PM
To: Rfi List <rfi at contesting.com>; Hare, Ed W1RFI <w1rfi at arrl.org>
Subject: Re: Soliciting Help From Certified RF Engineer


I can see how hiring an RF engineer could be detrimental to my case
given the current FCC limits on emissions. But I need to convince Solar
Edge that the problem still exists before we get to emissions issues.

They believe that the work they've done has made the system completely
void of RFI despite the overwhelming evidence proving otherwise. We can
easily demonstrate this to the engineers if they'd visit the site, but
that's not likely to happen.

A better option would be to have a qualified staff member from the ARRL
visit the site to at least verify the source of the interference. It
wouldn't take more than an hour and I'd be happy to pay all expenses.

Would that be feasible?

Tony -K2MO

On 9/2/2020 10:45 AM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
> You can do this, Tony, but it could be counterproductive.

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