[RFI] RFI on Shore Line of an RV

rrath at charter.net rrath at charter.net
Mon Sep 28 19:44:09 EDT 2020

Hi Dave. The max current would be 30 amp or maybe a little over.

Rod kc7vqr

	-----------------------------------------From: "David Eckhardt" 
To: rrath at charter.net
Cc: "rfi at contesting.com"
Sent: Monday September 28 2020 1:36:22PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI on Shore Line of an RV

How much current does your RV draw? I'm thinking of a large line
filter which you could build yourself and save a few $$. A good LISN
(Line Isolation Network) used in EMC testing might also do a number.
If the current draw is not too high, the Corcom (or equivalent)
offerings of line filters would also be quite helpful. 

Dave - WØLEV 

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 7:42 PM  wrote:
I use the Progressive Industries EMS-PT30X surge protector.

 I would like to stop or reduce the RFI coming in on the shore line of
 my RV. I am thinking of put some ferrite snap-on beads, mix 31 for HF
 frequencies, on the shore line where it comes inside the RV. Thinking
 of the Pin 1 scenario, should I also put some on the ground wire,
 inside the RV?

 Whats your thoughts?

 Getting ready to put in an order with Palomar and would like to only
 put in 1 order. I do not want to through money for things not needed.

 Rod kc7vqr

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