wa2lbi at gmail.com wa2lbi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 20:09:02 EDT 2020

Dave,There should be a plate/tag on or in the cabinet. My refrigerator has a tag in the refrigerator compartment that lists the voltage and current. New devices usually use only a few amps. Get a KILL A WATT plug in monitor. It will tell you the current used. You could also use a plug in line splitter and a clamp on amp meter. The better types will also be able to record the start up current. Ken 
WA2LBI On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 7:04 PM David Eckhardt <davearea51a at gmail.com> wrote:I should not have been so optimistic!!!  On originally checking and quickly
checking for RFI after installation, it seemed OK.  However, today while
addressing a problem from a close-by contesting station, I discovered, no
surprise........, the new refrigerator/freezer is producing nasty 60-Hz
garbage on 160 and 75/80 meters.

Of course, home appliances are exempted in the FCC
rules.....grrrrrrr.......  Not even a regulatory page in the manual.   Our
tax monies in the ozone.......

I just need to unload (big
 glass of red whine) and look for a good EMI
filter that will take 15 to 20 amperes.  KitchenAid is not even clear in
the manual on AC power requirements.  All they allude to is 120 vac fused
for 15 to 20 amperes and the suggestion that one uses a dedicated line.  No
where on the appliance or in the manual do they even give the current draw
or wattage of the appliance.

Oh, yes, on my initiated on-line chat with customer service, the he/she/it
on the other end had absolutely no idea what "radio frequency interference"
meant.  After typing it in three times, he/she/it promised to forward my
request to someone on the, of all things, telephone (not that I expect that
will do any good......).

Yet another hit from embedded SMPS's "With Love, From China".

Dave - WØLEV
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