[RFI] Wireless Power Transfer with electric vehicles

AA5CT jwin95 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 12 10:13:32 EDT 2021

re: "The current administration's infrastructure plans call for 
significantly beefing up generation capacity and well as distribution."

Please, long range planning w/o consulting the engineering teams
directly involved? Central Planning is a quite wasteful way to do
things. Fortunately Texas is out from under most of FERC's thumb
on account of our separate 'grid' that does not cross state lines.

On top of that, there are new primary energy sources on the horizon,
with lab testing and demonstrations taking place (and planned) even
as I write this that is going to challenge the "central gen" model,
thereby rendering a lot of this new 'planned' infrastructure into what
is called "stranded assets", and paid for out of my pocket. See, that
is where it hits me, and you, Jim

de AA5CT Jim


On Sunday, April 11, 2021, 7:12:14 PM GMT-5, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote: 

You may need to get your news from better sources, like Wall Street 
Journal, NY Times, Wash Post. The current administration's 
infrastructure plans call for significantly beefing up generation 
capacity and well as distribution. Just as current capacity is quite 
sufficient for the current number of EVs, as more are sold, so will 
there be more power.

I'll be 80 in the fall; we bought a Tesla Model 3 as our contribution to 
leaving our planet for our grandchildren. It IS much more economical to 
run and maintain over the long term, but it's unlikely we'll be able to 
drive it long enough for it to pay US back. We love the car -- it's 
quite well engineered. Several neighboring hams, including N6TV, W6JTI, 
W0YK, W3AB, and W6GJB drive an EV -- mostly Tesla, but also Chevy Bolt. 
All are made in the USA, and all of us are quite happy with them. They 
have STRONG acceleration, handle well, and are a pleasure to drive.

My wife is also quite happy with the Prius she bought about six years 
ago. Meanwhile, my big Toyota 2006 SUV, bought new in 2005, sits in our 
driveway, with about 210,000 miles on it, not having moved in nearly a 
year. We're keeping for hauling stuff too big for the cars we drive 
every day. I loved it for all of the 15 years it was my primary vehicle, 
but it drinks three times as much gas as the Prius.

73, Jim K9YC

On 4/11/2021 4:21 PM, Lloyd - N9LB wrote:
> I saw a news report that the US does not have nearly enough generating
> capacity to charge all the forthcoming electric vehicles.
> So we will have to ration the electricity for charging the batteries in your
> electric vehicle.  Every other Tuesday from Midnight to 6am?
> Another option would be to install gas fired home generators to charge up
> your vehicle.  Seems like we are running in a circle here.

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