[RFI] Noise Canceller how-to video

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Apr 15 22:11:28 EDT 2021

On 4/15/2021 6:21 PM, VE6WZ_Steve wrote:
> For 15 yrs at VE6WZ I have used both the MFJ-1026 and NCC-1 to eliminate local noise at my city QTH.
> I show the theory of how these boxes work, and present some tips on set-up and adjustment to achieve success.
> This is a HOW-TO video for those unfamiliar with these devices.

As part of my app note on the VE3DO RX loop, I showed how the NCC-1 can 
be used to steer a spaced pair of them, and included response 
measurements of the NCC-1 for the range of their settings on ham bands 
up to 20M. Measurements are complex (that is, magnitude and phase of the 
gain), done with a VNWA-3EC. http://k9yc.com/VE3DO.pdf  As described in 
the app note, I have two loops oriented to central EU, spaced 5/8 wave 
on 160M, which seems to be optimum for that band.

The NCC-1 is a very well behaved unit.

73, Jim K9YC

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