[RFI] Interesting case of RFI

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 08:41:57 EDT 2021

Two weekends ago I tracked down some RFI that was very strong at the QTH of
Justin (KD9PLD), and thought I would share a link to my unlisted youtube
video that documents the case for those interested.  Normally I keep my
videos to about 2 or 3 minutes in length and apologize that this video is
over 7 minutes in length but this was somewhat of an unusual case and it
was raining which did not help.  Justin reported that this RFI started up
every morning and ran continuously until evening (example: 9 am until 9
pm).  I actually was able to catch it when it started up.  Jump to the 6:50
point in the video if you just want to see what the signal looked like on
both 40 and 30 meters while sitting in Justin's driveway.  The home I
identified as the suspect home was located 700 feet North of Justin's home.

Youtube Video Link: https://youtu.be/aOBD4xYtUWE

What's interesting about this case is that Justin left the suspect
homeowner a very nice note last week which included a link to my youtube
video, and the RFI stopped the very next day and has not appeared since.
The homeowner never contacted Justin even though Justin asked him to please
call.  We certainly would like to know what device was causing the RFI (we
have our suspicions, but I never like to guess) but more importantly we
would like to know that the RFI will not reappear, but for the moment we
are happy that it's not present.  Justin does not know the homeowner but
maybe someday they will meet when both are outdoors so they can talk about
the situation in more detail, etc.

Just FYI,
Don (wd8dsb)

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