David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 17:23:57 EDT 2021

Does anyone in this group have an installed Culligan whole house reverse
osmosis (RO) system?  If so, what is the RFI signature?  Hopefully
none.....  The rep claimed everything runs on DC off 120 vrms.  From there,
there must be a few SMPSs (unregulated by FCC) to convert down to digitally
usable levels.  The tech rep they sent knew nothing of what I was referring
to - typical - but was extremely well versed in water "problems''.  We are
in N. Colorado on a well and have very hard water beyond what 1 cu-ft of
resin can handle which is presently what we have as a softner.  Example:
the rep could not turn his red solution back to blue, even after 46 drops
of neutralizing solution!  We have *hard* water.......!!!!!

Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.  I have requested a photo of the
regulatory label, model number, serial number with the hope that I can go
to the FCC site and access the FCC report - hopefully, unlike the solar
power industry, there is one.

*Dave - WØLEV*

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