[RFI] Line noise vs Frequency
Charles Plunk
af4o at twc.com
Tue Aug 10 13:54:03 EDT 2021
Sounds like my neighborhood. In locating my last source (a horrible
20-30 over S9 on 75m), the most significant break through for me was
matching the noise pattern to what I was hearing in my hf receiver. I
accomplished this be retransmitting the hf receivers audio to one ht,
while I df'ed on another ht on 2m AM and a portable 4 element yagi. With
the 2 HT's in tow, when the 2 synced in noise pattern I knew I was at
the correct pole. Next time I may try stereo headphones with one ht on
one ear and the other on the other ear to reduce traffic noise etc.
Prior, I made the big mistake of df'ing for just max noise at the poles.
These 7.2kv lines radiate a strong signal on 2m near almost every pole
(corona?) but that was not what I was hearing on hf. To my surprise the
target source was almost obscured by this noise with the portable 2m AM.
Also, I waited to hunt until the target source had a distinctive pattern
as it tended to vary and even go away with variances in weather
primarily humidity.
I also have a FT-817 (actually 2) to df in lower or higher frequencies
as needed. And adding to my portable yagis/ portable loops as I get
time to build them.
On 8/10/21 9:54 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> Thanks, guys - I went out with my HF DF rig, and the one thing I'm
> pretty sure of is that the point source is not nearby. Anywhere along
> the neighborhood-level feed that runs along the West side of my
> property I get a similarly high level, with no discernable local peak
> at a particular pole, so my suspicion is that the source is further
> down the line in someplace where I don't have access. I have sent a
> recording and a request for help to my local power company guy, who
> tries very hard and has good gear but relatively little knowledge.
> The line is probably 60 years old, dating to this subdivision's
> beginnings, and has required a lot of hardware replacement recently.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
> web server at <http://beta.reversebeacon.net>.
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster.
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