[RFI] DFing intermittent connection

K9MA k9ma at sdellington.us
Mon Aug 16 12:30:35 EDT 2021

Or just use the braid from some RG8 and a couple hose clamps. 


Scott Ellington. K9MA

 --- via iPhone

> On Aug 16, 2021, at 9:27 AM, jimk8mr--- via RFI <rfi at contesting.com> wrote:
> The kit is basically a very heavy, very flexible cable, six feet or so, with lugs on both ends, and clamps with a large flat surface to attach to the mast and to the tower leg. I'd think that the bottom lug could be attached to a tower bolt, or some other low resistance connection to the tower.
> It would seem to also be simple to homebrew something a bit less rugged, perhaps using a piece of RG-8, shield and center conductor connected together.
> 73  -   Jim   K8MR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: EDWARDS, EDDIE J via RFI <rfi at contesting.com>
> To: RFI List <rfi at contesting.com>
> Sent: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 9:09 am
> Subject: Re: [RFI] DFing intermittent connection
> Just FYi...They told me they only have the bypass kits for standard Rohn towers, but not for the BX or HDBX series towers.  Need to make your own for other non-rohn configurations.  
> 73, de ed -K0iL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI On Behalf Of jimk8mr--- via RFI
> You might look into DX Engineering's Bearing Bypass Ground Kits DXE-BBGK-2-25-P.
> I installed one yesterday for K8AZ. I'm not sure if Tom had a particular problem or it was just as a precaution. It easy to install, the only issue in my case was that the tower had been painted, so some paint scraping was in order. But much easier than replacing a thrust bearing!
> 73  -  Jim   K8MR
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