[RFI] Solar question

Richard E. Ravich richard at ravich.us
Mon Dec 6 15:02:29 EST 2021

Thanks for this list.  I have learned quite a bit about rfi problems, 
but now that I have an issue that I can't solve, I need your suggestions.

I have a severe rfi problem.  It used to be only from 9AM to 
approximately noon and the rest of the day was clear -- just the normal 
background noise that you would expect.  Now the problem seems to be 
happening all day long -- just about 24 hours a day and it's bad -- s7 
on 20m and s3 to 5 on 40m and I suspect that it affects just about every 
other hf band.

I have been through the exercise of turning off the power to my house 
and running the transceiver on battery with no difference in the noise 

I initially thought that it was a solar panel inverter, but since it 
occurs when it is dark, I'm thinking that is not quite right. Can 
someone confirm my thought on this as not being a solar issue?  The only 
thing that I can think of is if there are battery storage of electricity 
and they run an inverter at night to power the house.  Thoughts on 
this?  Would that inverter run during the daytime too?

My suspicions right now are that it is a solar cell going bad on a light 
pole or cable TV leakage.  I have walked around the neighborhood with a 
portable radio and the only place I hear interference coming from is the 
light pole across the street and from the power transformer located two 
houses away.  My thought are that this is just a symptom, but not 
necessarily the cause. Thoughts?

I've contacted the electric utility company and asked for their help but 
they seem to be dragging their feet.  They want to send out someone from 
their 2-way radio group to trace the interference but since that group 
is located quite away from here, they haven't found the time to send 
anyone.  I plan on calling them today to see if I can light a fire under 
them.  In the meantime, I work ft8 when possible, but winlink is usually 
not available and js8call is totally noise infested.  SSB can not be 
used at all either.  The noise is fairly wide band noise but I do see a 
peak at regular intervals which move in frequency.

All suggestions are welcome.

Happy Holidays and best 73's

WD6FIE -- Richard

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