[RFI] FW: Sweden imposes higher levy on electricity bills for EMC | Southgate Amateur Radio News

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Thu Dec 30 09:22:40 EST 2021

You already pay tons of taxes for your government, which is supposed to 
serve you - not the other way around - to deal with this mess.

And if you believe that giving them $600. will solve the problem - you 
don't understand the way that bureaucracy works.

There will always be a new excuse for not solving the problem - and a 
new fee (or fee increase).

Tell your elected representatives to enforce existing law, or fix it, 
then use the massive resources they already have to get it done - or 
lose the next election.

That's how problems, that cross property lines, are addressed.

David KD4E

> Joe,
> Am I willing to pay more for a clean RF environment, yes!  I would 
> happily pay $600/year for a clean RF spectrum.
> The problem is filtering devices stop very little, no matter what the 
> quality when used at the receiving site.  Why?  Filtering the RF at 
> the receiving end simply does not work in most cases.
> If I can't get to the devices causing the issues, then I can't filter 
> them, and if I can get to the device, then there is the liability 
> issue afterwards...
> So to answer your original question, yes, if my bill were to go up, I 
> would be fine.  As I mentioned, upthread, fine hell out of the 
> offenders, the vendors, and the manufacturers, and the problem would 
> be reduced greatly.  Charge them for the location and time involved, 
> plus a hefty fine per occurrence.
> In general start throwing far more roadblocks to the sale, and use of 
> EMI emitting devices then there are currently.
> 73, and thanks,
> Dave (NK7Z)

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