[RFI] Pole mounted lightning arresters?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Jan 11 18:31:10 EST 2021

Chuck et al 


I am not an authority on RFI.not at all..however the once/second
tick-tick-tick sounds a little bit like an electric fence.

For about 3-4 yrs I had an active one almost underneath some of my antennas.
( a few feet away in spots)


Near drove me crazy.(crazier?)..it was much louder on 160m (S9+++) than it
was on 2m (even with a big yagi aimed right at it.maybe s1 on 2m).  Levels
did go up and down depending on several factors I won't bore all you with.
The noise blanker helped a lot, however I am primarily a contester and a
full band of loud signals and a NB don't play well together.


Thankfully, that neighbour moved away and the new owner does not (at this
time) intend to reactivate it.


Are you sure it's something up a pole?  Could it be an e-fence being
re-radiated somehow?


If you've already done your homework, pse ignore. . . . just tossing it out


GL !



Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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