[RFI] Fwd: Re: Pole mounted lightning arresters?

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Mon Jan 11 18:56:38 EST 2021

Local Util engineer already emailed me back. He avoided the idea of 
replacing the arresters. So with the intermittent nature of the arc, my 
only option it seems is to wait until its more consistent. And even then 
I would say the chances of it being active when TVA were to come out is 
not good. Its happened to me in past years. Very annoying to finally get 
them out and the noise be gone.

My dish is homebrew from the QST article. I have had it for years and in 
the past have pinpointed hardware. Its nice to be able to do that. This 
time though no luck. Wish I could justify the commercial dish like Mike 
mentioned. Mike, when the noise comes back with some consistency, will 
make a recording. I may have an old recording somewhere. At that time 
could see the 120hz pulses with audacity.


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