[RFI] 136 MHz Moxon Vs. 136 MHz 4 Element Yagi quick comparison video

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 19:29:28 EST 2021

While out doing some RFI direction finding today I stopped by a power pole
I previously identified as generating RFI which the utility company
confirmed has a bad lightning arrestor which is now scheduled for
replacement.  This allowed me to do a quick test of my new 136 MHz Moxon
versus my 136 MHz 4 element Yagi that I normally use and I just uploaded a
video onto youtube showing my very simple/quick test.

I'm impressed with the Moxon and will add it to my collection of antennas
for direction finding due to its small size.

Here is a link to the youtube video for those interested:

Don (wd8dsb)

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