David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 16:05:55 EDT 2021

Try this for missing attachment.  See attachment.

Let me know if this works for the attachment.

Dave - WØLEV

On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 11:26 AM KD7JYK DM09 <kd7jyk at earthlink.net> wrote:

> > But nowhere on the product does it admit where it is made.  Have a read
> of
> > a "garage screw-in light" (LED).   All the proper markings are present,
> but
> > certainly are bogus.  Have a read of the attachment documenting the
> latest
> > offering to the RF fog.
> No attachment came through.  Back when I was in the industry, items
> couldn't be sold in the US without the proper labeling, or stickers.  No
> problem.  Stickers could be bought on spools by the tens of thousands of
> miles online, and you want a UL, CE, FCC labeling on the product,
> "permanently affixed", if I recall correctly from the regulations, well
> that was an extra tooling fee of a few bucks, and everything off the
> line will have whatever you want molded into it, not because it meant
> anything, but because it was a step in the requirements to sell in the
> US.  We had the option of sending our own text, or could choose from
> pre-made examples, some with spelling, and grammatical errors.  I think
> the difference between "certified", "legal", "safe", "compliant", et
> cetera, came out to about $3 per run in the end.  This was in the 20-30
> years ago range.
> Kurt

*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*

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