[RFI] New Interference at kk0sd
gary_mayfield at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 21 23:13:12 EDT 2021
That’s a great idea. I will add it to the list, but probably not get to it until next weekend. It’s getting late, and my employer likes me wide awake.
Thanks Again and if you think of anything else please send it.
Gary “Joe” kk0sd
From: Kim Elmore <cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 10:08 PM
To: Gary <gary_mayfield at hotmail.com>; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] New Interference at kk0sd
I'm still troubled that it seems you can hear it only on the DX-88 antenna now that you've ruled out odd stuff in your '847. Here's another hare-brained idea: try using a different antenna in your shack. Doesn't matter what it is: 10' of wire stuck into the center of the SO-239 on the back of your rig. Obviously, don't transmit. Still hear it?
Kim N5OP
On 3/21/2021 9:36 PM, Gary wrote:
No it's a good idea. I just plugged my TECSUN PL-310 portable shortwave into my HF antenna (HyGain DX-88) when I do that I hear the noise on the portable...
I do not have another HF antenna, other than a 14 AVQ in pieces in my garage.
Keep the ideas coming!
Gary "Joe" kk0sd
-----Original Message-----
From: RFI <rfi-bounces+gary_mayfield=hotmail.com at contesting.com><mailto:rfi-bounces+gary_mayfield=hotmail.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Kim Elmore
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 9:28 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com<mailto:rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] New Interference at kk0sd
It's odd that you can't hear it on your portable rx. That made me
curious: What if this is something internal to your '847? Have you tried pulling your '847 and listening on a different receiver using the same antenna? If you have, do you still hear the noise? It's a long shot, but...
Kim N5OP
On 3/21/2021 7:28 PM, Gary wrote:
Thanks for the info. I understand locating the noise is more important than identifying the noise. I am just try to play all the angles as I was hoping to work the WPX contest nest weekend. I have been walking the neighborhood a good chunk of the afternoon, and have not been able to hear the noise on my portable shortwave and loop antenna. It is as strong as ever on my home station.
I have an MFJ 852 Noise Finder and it seems to go crazy when broadside to any house. The neighbors on each side of me drive the meter full scale.
Yep I only want to knock on one door, as I know that can get dicey. I would rather place a call to a utility, but can’t really do either until I know.
Keep the suggestions coming!
Thanks and 73,
Gary “Joe” kk0sd
From: Mike Martin <mike at rfiservices.com><mailto:mike at rfiservices.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 6:53 PM
To: Gary <gary_mayfield at hotmail.com><mailto:gary_mayfield at hotmail.com>
Cc: rfi at contesting.com<mailto:rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] New Interference at kk0sd
Joe I haven't had time to read all the other input but I can tell you it is not an arcing source or a sparking source. either one of the two would be much broader than what you're reporting. if someone were to tell you exactly what it is you really wouldn't be any further ahead. You would still have to find which residents or business it's in. My suggestion would be to either go mobile or on foot, preferably on foot listening to the frequency that you know the problem affects. once you locate the residents then go through the breaker scenario and locate what the source is. Be 100% certain of the structure or home that the problem is in before knocking on the door. The last thing you want to do is start guessing. Guessing we'll ruin the relationship with your neighbors.
Be safe,
Mike k3RFI
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On Mar 21, 2021, at 2:01 PM, Gary <gary_mayfield at hotmail.com<mailto:gary_mayfield at hotmail.com><mailto:gary_mayfield at hotmail.com><mailto:gary_mayfield at hotmail.com>> wrote:
My last problem was tracked down to a neon sign in a neighbors garage. I had several months of blissful relatively low noise operation, but now have a new RFI issue.
You can see a recording of it here:
I have turned all of the breakers in my home off and run the radio from a battery and the noise remains.
My neighborhood utilities are all underground.
There are no solar installations in my neighborhood, and the noise is there at night anyway...
The noise is not detectable on the AM broadcast band, but starts around 2 MHz and runs to at least 6 meters.
It is there 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
It is not detectable from my pickup when I drive the streets of my neighborhood (checking both AM broadcast and Shortwave).
If any one has heard something like this, I would love to hear what you found.
Thank You for your input and help!
Gary "Joe", kk0sd
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Kim Elmore, Ph.D. (Adj. Assoc. Prof., OU School of Meteorology, CCM, PP SEL/MEL/Glider, N5OP, 2nd Class Radiotelegraph, GROL)
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