[RFI] Power outages and RFI
Michael Aust
wb6dji_dx at icloud.com
Wed Mar 31 11:34:27 EDT 2021
Having had my fill of RFI over the years from Grow lightsRFI to Electric Fence RFI and Furnace
Motor RFI it been a challenge to do Ham Radio
these days, especially working weak signals
One essential tool in my Ham Shack recently
for us City dwellers is access to Web Based SDR receivers, most Ham Shacks have a PC and use a Program called CATSYNC which allows one to tune the VFO on a local Rig and it automatically tunes the Web SDR receiver, even allows you to mute the Computer audio when you Transmit to minimize feedback
Web SDR tools like CATSYNC allow me to hear
signals I just cannot hear locally due to the higher noise floors and use it for CW and SSB
Have used a Network of Remote Based Local and all kinds of Web SDR receivers and some are tied
into Super Antenna Systems that have incredible
receivers ! Even non Ham Users use them as well
like the FCC !
Check out CATSYNC with the link below
This program has saved many from quitting the
Ham Radio Hobby that had Grow Light, Solar Panel RFI
Hope that helps
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 31, 2021, at 8:03 AM, Charles Plunk <af4o at twc.com> wrote:
> It is a shame RFI does not get more attention legally. I wonder if a situation that inhibited golf to the extent RFI inhibits ham radio were to occur, how long would it be before laws were changed? And yes I know there are laws now. But if you have been there, you will probably admit they do not have much bite. There is much wiggle room for those causing to stall, delay, etc.
> RFI is like a big net inhibiting radio waves that lingers for months (years) until its fixed. Go put up a big net on a golf driving range today and see how long it takes to be taken down. Your wife will be visiting you in the pokey this evening.
> 73
> Chuck
> AF4O
>> On 3/31/21 5:47 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>> This explains what I've been predicting for a few years, that
>> ultimately, ham radio on HF and 160 at least, will become a hobby for
>> the well heeled who have a lot of land in rural areas only. Complicit
>> with RFI are all the antenna restrictions in more populated areas.
>> It also explains the futility, in my opinion, of QRP. Sure, you can
>> backpack to some remote location, but the only hams who will hear you
>> will be other hams in remote locations. And I might CQ on top of you
>> because I don't hear you. Sorry, but you have to put an audible
>> signal into my QTH for me to realize the frequency is in use. Finding
>> noise sources and eliminating them, a time consuming losing battle in
>> cities and towns, and noise reduction methods, get you only so far.
>> Apart from decent antennas, about the only thing a ham can do is run
>> high power. It becomes a courtesy to other operators. I believe the
>> US legal limit should be doubled or tripled, or done away with.
>> Shocking? Not really, because very few hams will run crazy high
>> power. That's because the money and knowledge to do that are limited,
>> along with the cost of electricity and availability of 3 phase
>> service. But many hams will bump up to maybe 4 or 5 KW. It's the
>> only immediate way to overcome the noise floor. But relax, the
>> chances of FCC raising the legal limit are slim to none.
>> As for me, I will continue to operate. Once in a while I get bitched
>> at in an email by some piss weak ham because I CQed on top of his QSO.
>> Too bad; get some power and a decent antenna. I will refuse to let
>> appliance RFI take away my license to operate, especially on 160 m.
>> because some ham wants to run 100 w. and a dipole 20 feet high.
>> 73
>> Rob
>> K5UJ
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