[RFI] Fwd: RE250 Sighting?

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Sat May 8 23:29:33 EDT 2021

My dish, from the W1TRC QST article, is exactly those dimensions. Great 
info on the electronics Charlie. I'm sure I have room for improvement 
there. How does the RE250 sight with pinpoint? Crosshairs? rifle type 
sights? The W1TRC you simply are looking through a hole in the back with 
the transducer in the middle. Not much of a accurate sight.


On 5/8/21 9:02 PM, n0tt1 at juno.com wrote:
> The RE 250. I have one. The dish dia measures 18" and the depth is
> 4-3/8".
> The transducer opening is just over 4-3/8". The opening of it's housing
> is
> level with the dish when viewed across the dish opening. Hope that
> helps.

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