Christopher Wawak
kc2ieb at wawak.org
Mon May 24 11:02:32 EDT 2021
Sounds like a great way to weed out bad vendors!
On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 9:43 AM Gary <gary_mayfield at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Some of you guys must live in great places with lots of contractors
> looking for work. We tried to add an RFI clause to our furnace/AC install.
> No one would even give us a bid until we removed the request for the RFI
> clause....
> 73,
> Joe kk0sd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI <rfi-bounces+gary_mayfield=hotmail.com at contesting.com> On
> Behalf Of KD7JYK DM09
> Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 10:27 PM
> Cc: Rfi List <rfi at contesting.com>
> > If you do choose to install solar power, write into the contract in no
> > uncertain and binding terms that you will experience no RFI from the
> > installation and, if you do experience RFI, they will either fix it at
> > no cost in an expedient manner or remove it at no cost to you.
> Don't forget to define "expedient". Since it will take a day, or two, to
> do the install, and noise will be realized within 24 hours, the company,
> should they have their sh*t together, should be able to resolve it fully by
> the next service day. Give a maximum window of three days, to give the
> going-out-of-ones-way-working-with-the-company impression.
> Unreasonable expectation? Only to the inept, and the scammers. If it
> were a meal, it would be resolved before you leave McDonald's, a leaking
> toilet, before the plumber cleans up, or a major vehicle issue, such as a
> blown transmission, a few days if parts need to be ordered. Solar is no
> different. It's a product/job, but somehow, people allow solar RFI issues
> to exist for years...
> Kurt
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