[RFI] LED lighting fixtures -

Gary Johnson gwj at wb9jps.com
Mon May 24 15:39:52 EDT 2021

Delightful to hear an LED light recommendation from a reliable source like Frank, who knows what he’s doing and went so far as to perform a specific noise test. I will add this to my list of recommendations at http://wb9jps.com/Gary_Johnson/RFI.html

If anyone can recommend other VERIFIED low-RFI devices, with exact model numbers, please send them along.

Gary Johnson NA6O  
gwj at wb9jps.com

> Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 12:25:20 -0400 (EDT)
> From: donovanf at erols.com
> To: rfi <rfi at contesting.com>
> Hi Don, 
> I replaced 24 florescent tubes with Hyperikon LED tubes:: 
> www.hyperikon.com/content/specs/841X00XXX-XPack.pdf 
> I've never heard a trace of RFI from them. The electronic ballasts 
> for my florescent tubes were a problem especially on 6 meters, 
> I even wrapped a few feet of wire around the LED tubes and 
> connected it to my HP spectrum analyzer and could find no trace 
> of RFI 
> 73 
> Frank 

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