Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Tue May 25 07:47:37 EDT 2021

"Some of you guys must live in great places with lots of contractors
looking for work. We tried to add an RFI clause to our furnace/AC
install. No one would even give us a bid until we removed the request
for the RFI clause...."

You've lost sight of the way people in business to make money by
minimizing expenses (time being one of them), and have utterly no
knowledge of shortwave radio see this.   To executives in this
industry and contractors, shortwave radio people appear to be just a
handful of goofy old kooks.  "Why aren't you on the internet?" they
think.  They're not going to blow a lot of time and money on some nut
job when they can do easy no hassle installs everywhere else.  If 70%
of prospects had your concerns they'd adapt but there's no incentive
in reality, because hams are simply not that numerous.  If I were in
the business and I had to make a business decision about how to direct
my assets for the most profit I'd blow you off too.   If I were a
prospect, I'd try explaining to the contractor what ham radio is and
why we enjoy it, and that it is important to us, and explain what RFI
is, and that it has to be eliminated, where it comes from and how to
get rid of it.  If the contractor glazes over or seems dismissive I'd
move on.  Clauses in contracts to legally force our will are just a
huge turnoff to a person in business.   If I couldn't get anyone who
takes radio seriously I'd blow the whole thing off as being too much
of a hassle with not enough ROI.


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