Mark Schoonover mark at ka6wke.net
Tue May 25 15:00:04 EDT 2021

Half a dozen filters were clamped on the motor control wires right where
the wires exited the controller PCB. The problem was with the outside unit.
No idea on part numbers or mix but my guess is mix 43 was used.

73! Mark KA6WKE
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ka6wke
Website: https://www.ka6wke.net

On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 11:05 AM Steve Dyer W1SRD via RFI <
rfi at contesting.com> wrote:

> Where were the filters installed and what type are they?
> Any part numbers for future reference?
> 73,
> Steve
> > I had issues with a newly installed Lennox 4 ton AC unit. I made several
> > screenshots from my 7600 showing the RFI during operation. It was pretty
> > bad. I called the installer and they sent someone out to check that
> > everything with the install was solid. It was then they escalated it to
> > Lennox. Lennox sent an engineer out to take a look and he brought some
> > filters along with him too. Here's the before and after videos:
> >
> > Before: https://youtu.be/kUsJDCujfV0
> > After: https://youtu.be/oD0rvoMduoA (Sorry no audio)
> >
> > They had a complaint from another ham in GA with the same problem so they
> > already knew what to do. Lennox didn't charge me either. Very impressed
> > with post installation support.
> >
> > 73! Mark KA6WKE
> > Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ka6wke
> > Website: https://www.ka6wke.net
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 4:47 AM Rob Atkinson <ranchorobbo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> "Some of you guys must live in great places with lots of contractors
> >> looking for work. We tried to add an RFI clause to our furnace/AC
> >> install. No one would even give us a bid until we removed the request
> >> for the RFI clause...."
> >>
> >> You've lost sight of the way people in business to make money by
> >> minimizing expenses (time being one of them), and have utterly no
> >> knowledge of shortwave radio see this.   To executives in this
> >> industry and contractors, shortwave radio people appear to be just a
> >> handful of goofy old kooks.  "Why aren't you on the internet?" they
> >> think.  They're not going to blow a lot of time and money on some nut
> >> job when they can do easy no hassle installs everywhere else.  If 70%
> >> of prospects had your concerns they'd adapt but there's no incentive
> >> in reality, because hams are simply not that numerous.  If I were in
> >> the business and I had to make a business decision about how to direct
> >> my assets for the most profit I'd blow you off too.   If I were a
> >> prospect, I'd try explaining to the contractor what ham radio is and
> >> why we enjoy it, and that it is important to us, and explain what RFI
> >> is, and that it has to be eliminated, where it comes from and how to
> >> get rid of it.  If the contractor glazes over or seems dismissive I'd
> >> move on.  Clauses in contracts to legally force our will are just a
> >> huge turnoff to a person in business.   If I couldn't get anyone who
> >> takes radio seriously I'd blow the whole thing off as being too much
> >> of a hassle with not enough ROI.
> >>
> >> 73
> >> Rob
> >> K5UJ
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> > RFI mailing list
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