[RFI] Frustration thy name is 120hz (now in the Clear!!)
Charles Plunk
af4o at twc.com
Tue Oct 26 11:09:27 EDT 2021
Correction; I am in the Clear!!
Since Friday I have not heard anything confirmed 120hz related except
some brief bursts Friday night which I now think were unrelated (long
explanation). It had me fooled since the signal level was similar. I am
not sure the last arc source died on its own or they fixed it with their
visit or a combination of the two.
At any rate, for now, I am 120hz in the Clear!!!
Thanks everyone for the advice, help, and support.
I will be updating my webpages with a homepage/index and share that in
case it will help anyone.
On 10/23/21 8:05 PM, Charles Plunk wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the reply. The source *IS* still active but highly
> intermittent. It actually became intermittent last weekend.
> They came about 10:30am yesterday but I heard bursts from it shortly
> after they left and many last night. But today its been quiet
> (inactive). Thus the frustration as I know its not fixed. It is so
> intermittent now maybe it will die completely on its own. I have had
> 120hz sources to do that in the past when I was working and had little
> time to track them. Over months they would die on their own.
> At any rate, right now will just monitor to see if it returns and
> enjoy at least /mostly/ quiet conditions. I will email them after a
> week or so of monitoring and either thank them for the work or thank
> them and request they return. I just felt they should have spent more
> time doing the items those of you listed and I sent them. I do not
> think they possibly could have done all that in 20 minutes.
> But, as you say, bottom line its mostly gone for now. I fully realize
> living around 60's model power lines is a continual battle. And
> appreciate the utilities cooperation/courtesy and appreciate this
> group most.
> 73
> Chuck
> On 10/23/21 5:38 PM, Mike Martin wrote:
>> Hello charles, that's kind of a tough question. If they corrected
>> your problem it doesn't matter whether they spent 5 minutes or 5
>> hours. Many times I'm only there 10 or 15 minutes sometimes there an
>> hour but if they corrected the problem it really doesn't matter. A
>> loose staple on the ground wouldn't be considered 240 volts or 7,200
>> volts. The staple is holding the ground to the pole and the staple
>> gets energized by induced voltage from the primary. if they found
>> that staple loose, removed it and your noise is gone or if they
>> tighten it the noise is gone. Either way if it's gone, it's gone and
>> that's a good thing only time will tell. But by all means you give
>> them the benefit of the doubt and take their word that they've
>> corrected it until it comes back. Don't worry about the 7.2 KV side
>> and less the noise comes back. Then no matter where it is they need
>> to find it.
>> Congrats on the quiet!
>> Be safe,
>> Mike Martin
>> RFI Services
>> 51 W Bay Front Rd
>> Lothian, MD 20711
>> 240-508-3760
>> On Oct 23, 2021, at 11:37 AM, Charles Plunk <af4o at twc.com
>> <mailto:af4o at twc.com>> wrote:
>> 7.2kv/240 volt system here. 20+ years of 120hz issues on and off
>> at this
>> QTH. Current source details here;
>> https://qsl.net/af4o/Powerline%20RFI%20QSL.net%20Webpage/Fall%202021%20Source%202.html
>> <https://qsl.net/af4o/Powerline%20RFI%20QSL.net%20Webpage/Fall%202021%20Source%202.html>
>> My current 120hz source stayed active for 2 months. Last weekend
>> became
>> inactive. Utility arrives yesterday of course with it inactive.
>> Before I
>> could get suitable clothes on, grab my HT/450mhz yagi, and going
>> out to
>> meet them the crew chief stated they found it (a loose stapled
>> ground
>> connection). I asked him did they check over the 7.2kv side (and
>> several
>> other questions) thoroughly which not much up there on that side.
>> They
>> said yes. So with it inactive, what more could I say.
>> I have sent them many emails from several of you edited down to the
>> suggestions of what they should check. Appreciate those very much.
>> Currently source is still active but intermittent.
>> So
>> What are the chances of the source being on the 240v side of the
>> pole
>> being its a loud s9 at 2m at ~300' and can hear at 450mhz and
>> portable
>> yagi at ~150'?
>> Am I correct emphasizing to check the 7.2kv side?
>> Should I be frustrated they only spent about 20 minutes with the
>> pole
>> after me spending hours upon hours locating it?
>> With it intermittent (a burst of arcing maybe 30 seconds every 10
>> minutes or so but very random) will it possibly cure itself thus
>> should
>> I wait before informing them its not fixed?
>> Thanks again for all the suggestions and excellent advise here.
>> Chuck
>> W4NBO
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