[RFI] CASE HISTORY - Powerline - Multiple Sources (re-post w/o errata)

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Sep 29 14:56:48 EDT 2021

On 9/29/2021 8:50 AM, EDWARDS, EDDIE J via RFI wrote:
> In older neighborhoods with older power lines, you should be able to find dozens and maybe over 100 RFI sources within a short distance to your station. 

You're correct that there are likely hundreds of noise sources causing 
us interference. But the age and nature of the power company's 
distribution lines is NOT a primary factor. It is the wiring attached to 
those noise sources, and the wiring within buildings that RADIATES the 
noise -- that wiring is acting as a transmitting antenna.

The power company has NOTHING to do with any of this.

The power company is responsible for noise generated by their equipment, 
which is nearly always arcing, and thus impulse noise, which is quite 
broadband. It's distribution over frequency is primarily a function of 
the characteristics of wiring near the source as a transmitting antenna.


73, Jim K9YC

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