[RFI] Another Solar Panel Interference Case

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Apr 5 13:43:27 EDT 2022

A couple of years ago a friend who was a BC consulting engineer told me he was doing a lot of design work for low cost AM BC antennas. Seems that the stations want to stay on the air  (I assume after selling the real estate around their antenna farms) because if they went off the air, the station would have to be written off the books, affecting all sorts of financial issues.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

-----Original Message-----
From: MICHAEL ST ANGELO <mstangelo at comcast.net>
To: Rfi List <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2022 1:04 pm
Subject: Re: [RFI] Another Solar Panel Interference Case

Many AM station bother staying on the because they can on operate on the FM  band via a FM translator license.

Mike N2MS

> On 04/05/2022 12:53 PM David Eckhardt <davearea51a at gmail.com> wrote:
> And the "official" reply from FCC to the impacted (RFI) coverage areas for
> AM BC, "Increase your output power."  Sure.....Yea......That costs the BCer
> money both for a new transmitter and continuing additional fees to pay the
> electric bill.
> Yes, where is the FCC??
> Dave - WØLEV

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