[RFI] small CMC

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Apr 5 19:23:02 EDT 2022

On 4/5/2022 4:10 PM, David Hale wrote:
> I use K9YC-design CMCs (from the "Cookbook") all around the shack.

The primary application for these chokes is at the feedpoint of antennas 
that are matched to their feedline at frequencies of interest; secondary 
application is down the line from the feedpoint of high dipoles as "egg 
insulators" to prevent them acting as parasitic elements of nearby 
vertical antennas. I don't know of any good reason to use them in the 

As to your application, a so-called end-fed half wave (which is a half 
wave on only one frequency), these chokes can be applied at the 
feedpoint on frequencies where the SWR is fairly low, and/or the power 
is fairly low. They're likely to fry with high SWR and high power. I 
don't know of a practical choke for lines with high SWR at the point 
where they are inserted. In such a situation, if they don't fry with 
moderate power they aren't doing anything useful.

73, Jim K9YC

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