[RFI] Powerline noise question

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Fri Dec 30 15:25:47 EST 2022

Thanks Frank.  You got me unstuck.
I have ordered the DX Engineering Kits and the PL330 receiver.

Rick N6RK

On 12/29/2022 7:53 PM, Frank W3LPL wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> I recently built a WB8DSB man portable flag antenna (March 2021 QST)
> for RFI geolocation, its performance far exceeds my expectations.
> Its narrow deep null quickly, easily and definitively located the
> source of very troublesome 160 meter RFI to a single power pole
> more than three miles from my QTH.  Prior to constructing the
> flag antenna I could locate the RFI to only within a few hundred
> yards of the RFI source.
> I built my flag antenna entirely out of materials I had on hand
> from previous projects including 3/8 inch diameter fiberglass rods,
> a pair of Advanced Receiver Research P1-30/20VD 20 dB HF preamps,
> a case of eight AA batteries to provide power to the preamps,
> a switchable attenuator and a Tecsun PL330 portable HF receiver.
> I highly recommend this easily constructed RFI geolocation antenna
> for the toolkit of any serious HF operator.
> 73
> Frank
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard" <richard at karlquist.com>
> To: "rfi" <rfi at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2022 3:15:32 AM
> Subject: [RFI] Powerline noise question
> I have a powerline noise coming from about 2 miles away, which is
> nevertheless quite strong at my QTH.
> Here are the symptoms:
> 1.  A 120 Hz noise burst at regular intervals, about 0.9 seconds apart.
> 2.  The noise goes away after a rain; then comes back after things dry
> out.
> 3.  Can be heard from 500 kHz up to a few MHz.
> 4.  The noise is very strong along a road for a few miles.  There is a
> power line that follows the road.  I haven't been able to localize it
> better than
> that so far.  From my QTH, though, it is definitely coming in at a
> specific azimuth
> which is consistent with the noisy road a few miles away.  (Using a loop
> antenna
> for DF'ing).
> Any help appreciated.

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