[RFI] Yagis and DFing_Being as we are on the subject

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Sat Dec 31 09:36:03 EST 2022

Hi Mike,

I spotted your below reference...  Why is it that 45 degrees off 
vertical gives the strongest signal for a yagi?

I get the yagi polarization, but why is the RFI signal polarized at 45 
degrees off vertical?  I would expect it to be strongest when the yagi 
is in-plane with the radiating wire(s)...  I'm confused, not a new state 
for me...  :)

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 12/31/22 05:43, Michael Martin wrote:
> rotate your antenna from horizontal to diagonal in
> your signal level should be strongest when you're antenna is in the
> diagonal position. If it is not you are not at the right pole.

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