[RFI] Yagis and DFing

Joe nss at mwt.net
Sat Dec 31 10:36:22 EST 2022

When I foxhunted a LOT we used two different antennas.
When the Hunt started and the FOX might be far away and weak we used any 
simple like 3 or 4 element yagi, Like the old Chushcraft one from the 
70's it was cheap like 20 bucks, and if you drove into a tree no big loss.

Once the signal was strong we would switch to a pair of phased dipoles, 
1/4 wave apart 90 deg out of phase.
It has only like 3 db of gain on the wide like 180 deg front lobe. but 
the null directly off the back can be incredibly deep! If tweaked you 
can get even a 40 db null off the back.


On 12/30/2022 10:01 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 12/30/2022 4:19 PM, David Eckhardt wrote:
>> Use the sharp _nulls off the sides_ of the Yagi.  They are far 
>> sharper than the "gainy" front lobe.
> Sharper and deeper, yes. But they don't necessarily occur at +/- 90 
> degrees, so they could be difficult to interpret as an indicator.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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