[RFI] Followup; Shopping for new HVAC. Concerned....

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Sat Feb 5 12:00:12 EST 2022

Hi Jim,

Yep. With this unit, I was mainly concerned with the ECM Motor (used for 
the blower) which, from what I have read of specs on various 
manufacturers websites, is pretty much mainstream currently at least in 
package units. From one website; "ECM stands for an “electronically 
commutated motor” which basically means a motor that uses electronic 
controls to vary its speed".

The package unit outside is about 10' away from me sitting at the PC in 
the radio room and I can hear a slight spinup noise by ear when the 
blower comes on. I did not hear that with the other unit.

But for me and this unit, so far no hint of RFI :-). Others have 
reported ECM rfi often every ~18khz over several mhz or more. Why the 
difference I do not know.

I looked over HF last night and have been on 6m this morning. Nothing.

My unit is a York PCG4A300752X4




On 2/4/22 23:31, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 2/4/2022 8:53 PM, Charles Plunk wrote:
>> So maybe I dodged the RFI bullet on this one.
> Most radio trash from stuff like this is generated by variable-speed 
> controllers for motors.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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