[RFI] Whole Home Generator

Christopher Wawak kc2ieb at wawak.org
Sat Feb 5 14:18:08 EST 2022

I recently had a 16 kw natural gas fired Generac Guardian installed at
my house. It took almost a year for all the parts to arrive.

The single point entry for antennas at my house is right behind the
generator. I did not notice any major RFI when it was running, or when
it's idle. My major concern was the battery charger.  So far I have
not noticed any more noise than usual, but I am not in a radio quiet
zone or anything. I do tune using an SDR on a large screen where I can
see the whole band at once, and noise (especially something close like
that) would for sure show up.

On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 2:02 PM Dave (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am contemplating installing a Cummins 13KW whole home generator.  Has
> anyone had any experience with Cummins generators with regards to RFI?
> The generator has <5% THD, but I have not seen what it looks like on an
> O-Scope...
> --
> 73, and thanks,
> Dave (NK7Z)
> https://www.nk7z.net
> ARRL Volunteer Examiner
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