[RFI] Fwd: Contacting neighbors about RFI

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Sun Jan 23 18:47:29 EST 2022

Thanks Ken. This one has no light at all, just cycling rf noise. The 
fixture looks like the old style street light. I am guessing it has a 
screw in photo cell, so I may could unscrew the bulb and photocell. If I 
can avoid it, do not want to mess with their breakers. Im thinking maybe 
a fruit tray in hand when I ask :-). I have never met them other than a 
casual wave in the summer. Driveways are at opposite ends of each house.


On 1/23/22 17:31, Ken Winterling wrote:
> This is the same scenario with defective street lamps. They attempt to
> restart from dusk to dawn and wipe out the spectrum from the BC band
> through 20M and more. Sometimes it is the bulb, sometimes it is the
> photocell.
> Since this lamp is outdoors in plain view I doubt you would run into any
> issue if you mentioned to him that it was defective and flashing on 
> and off
> all night.
> Ken

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