[RFI] Lennox brand HVAC RFI experience

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Mon Jul 18 19:45:30 EDT 2022

The compressor looks like a single speed, traditional unit. Definitely 
not variable speed.

The furnace is a dual speed blower.  What I'm unclear on - is this a 
traditional dual-speed (no electronics inside) motor winding method to 
get dual speed options.  Or is it a single-speed motor with some PCM or 
similar electronics to give a 50% (or whatever) speed.  I will have to 
look in the manual to see if there are some hints there.


On 7/18/22 6:14 PM, David Eckhardt wrote:
> Avoid variable speed blowers at all costs!
> Dave - WØLEV
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 9:55 PM Jeff Blaine <KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com> 
> wrote:
>     We are looking at a replacement HVAC and these items are proposed for
>     the install.  I'm paranoid about the RFI noise profile out of modern
>     HVAC systems and would be interested in any comments.
>     The Lennox P/N recommended are:
>     Merit series - ML14XC1$-042 compressor 14 SEER
>     Elite series - EL280UH090E488 dual-speed (2-stage?) furnace 80%
>     The installer is aware of the Lennox 604552-01 kit which includes a
>     differential filter and a snap-on toroid.  I've made it clear that
>     the
>     single snap-on toroid is likly and that a multi-turn type 31 would be
>     used in lieu if needed.  Which would not have a warranty issue as the
>     HVAC guy and I share a common electrician who has vouched for the
>     safety
>     of this "mod."  And we have discussed that similar (multi-turn
>     toroid)
>     treatment may be added to the thermostat line as well.
>     Appreciate any advice on other guys who may have experience with
>     Lennox
>     gear in general, or these families in particular.
>     73/jeff/ac0c
>     alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
>     www.ac0c.com <http://www.ac0c.com>
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> *Dave - WØLEV*
> /*Just Let Darwin Work*/

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