[RFI] Travel trailer converter RFI solutions

Ken Winterling wa2lbi at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 14:21:30 EDT 2022


I would look at IOTA Engineering, makers of numerous inverters, chargers,
converters, and power supplies. I've been using a DLS-55, a 55A power
supply/battery charger, 24/7 for years to power my HF and VHF gear.
Despite being a SMPS, I have never detected any RFI from it.



On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 2:11 PM nm8rmedic via RFI <rfi at contesting.com>

> Has anyone on the forum succeeded in quieting the RFI from the AC to DC
> converter in their travel trailer?Or has anyone identified a suitable
> linear power supply with battery charging circuitry?Our trailer has a
> switching power converter rated at 55 amps. It produces RFI about every 30
> khz, mainly in the 40 and 20 meter amateur bands. Powering down the
> converter kills them, so they are coming from the switching power supply
> that forms the basis of the converter.   Neither an Isobar filtering power
> strip, nor Mix 31 ferrite cores on the AC power cable had effect. The same
> cores on the DC line cause some odd ferromagnetic resonance inside the
> converter because it audibly growls when they are in place. Bypass
> capacitors on the DC line had no effect.I'm interested in hearing anyone's
> success story.ScottSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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