[RFI] Power Line Radiated Interference Limits
Charles Plunk
af4o at twc.com
Mon Jun 6 22:14:53 EDT 2022
Jim, I thought the same thing. That is my best lesson learned tracking
power line rfi. Noise seems to be everywhere when out tracking in the
field. Every pole has some around here near field. To be as sure of
success as possible you must find some way to track the -correct- noise.
No fun getting the util out and your findings be wrong.
I have been most successful (without spending high dollar on rfi gear)
retransmitting the noise from my station receiver to a HT -especially-
if I can catch it with a distinctive pattern. And comparing audibly with
a tracking ht with handheld yagi and/or ultrasonic dish. Fortunately
most of my power line rfi at some point will go intermittent with a
distinctive pattern usually varying with humidity. Patience is key here.
Sorry for repeating as I know I have told this story in the past but it
really made a huge difference in my ability to track down the right noise.
Many months now 120hz buzz free :-). Well some distant stuff but NB
works fine.
On 6/6/22 20:08, AA5CT wrote:
> Won't he be surprised when it DOESN'T cure the problem
> and any
> nearby sources located may not be the one creating all the havoc
> at the station QTH.
> de AA5CT Jim
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