[RFI] HV powerline noise mitigation - success!

QRV at kd4e.com QRV at kd4e.com
Sun May 1 14:07:31 EDT 2022

Wow, awesome.

I can just see your smile and feel your sense of peace and joy.

So cool when a nagging problem like that has been resolved.

73, David KD4E

On 5/1/22 1:58 PM, rocketnj at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi All
> Thought I would share this.
> I've been plagued with powerline noise for years, especially bad on 15 and
> 40 meters. The Flex Radio wide noise blanker does magic on it as long as the
> noise is constant, but on a low humidity, breezy day the noise comes and
> goes so quickly that the WNB algorithm in the radio can't lock on quick
> enough.
> Today I was out and saw a Jersey Central Power & Light truck near a park
> about a mile from my house. I started talking to the gentleman from JCP&L
> asking which department handles my specific complaint (after explaining how
> the arcing causes RF interference). My contact at JCP&L retired recently. I
> explained I am fairly confident I had isolated the problem to the dead end
> insulators that are at the end of the HV line coming into my neighborhood,
> which happens to be on a pole on the corner of my property. He wasn't sure
> who to contact but he was willing to ride over and take a look.
> We met at my house. I explained tapping on the pole would cause the noise to
> happen and it only usually is a problem on low humidity days, like today. I
> brought up the Flex SmartSDR app on my iPhone to watch and listen to 40
> meters while he took a small sledge hammer and gave the pole a whack. Bingo!
> You could hear the crackle and see it in the panadapter and waterfall.
> Whack, again you could see and hear it. He got out his push up fiberglass
> pole and pused on the dead end insulators. The noise was concurrent with him
> pushing the insulators. As the HV line swayed back and forth you could see
> the noise floor jumping in sync. He changed the old ceramic triple insulator
> with a polymer version. No more noise!
> I'm sitting here listening on 40 meters listening. Relative humidity is 20%
> (VERY low for northern NJ this time of year) and a slight breeze. No
> powerline noise!
> Dave wo2x
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