[RFI] Solar Panel RFI Awareness At Dayton

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Thu May 26 01:24:21 EDT 2022

If only the FCC enforced their own rules, I would agree with you...

There is very little proactive enforcement happening up in this area, 
and I suspect elsewhere...

RFI is rampant, and getting worse, not better.  It is a mindlessly 
simple task to locate a grow operations in most cases.  Yet the Amateur 
is the person on the front lines in location, and in first contact with 
the offender, exposing the Amateur to possible liability, and possible 

The grow ops up here are far too big to be selling in state, which means 
they are selling out of state, which means they are illegal.  So the FCC 
is placing the Amateur in the position of possibly dealing with a drug 
offender...  The real issue is the RFI, not what is being grown, or 
warmed, or lit...  Just the RFI, but it is still the Amateur that has to 
knock on the door, and explain what is happening to whoever answers...

The FCC is ham stringed by not enough funding, so we are the front 
line...  RFI enforcement has switched from proactive to reactive as a 
result of lack of funding-- unless you are a cell provider...  Then one 
call gets instant action, and-- god forbid you even think about starting 
a pirate FM station...

In a perfect world, I would report RFI to the FCC, and they would send 
down a field engineer in a timely manner, locate the RFI, and fine, or 
warn the perpetrator, then followup with the operator of the device a 
few weeks later, to ascertain compliance levels.  This would force an 
overall reduction in the amount RFI, over time as consumers went after 
the installers, and the manufacturers.

That is just not happening.  Thus the problem gets worse, not better.

This is why I say, there is some reasonable level of RFI that the 
amateur is going to have to accept.  Be it right or wrong, that is the 
way it is working, and for the foreseeable future going to work.  This 
is very unfortunate.

On 5/25/22 11:26, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 5/25/2022 1:38 AM, Dave (NK7Z) wrote:
>> Respectfully I am saying that at some point there is a level at which 
>> the FCC will say too bad, live with it.  That level will be above what 
>> things were before the solar installation arrived.
> FCC Rules say that if a product interferes with licensed radio operation 
> that use of it must be discontinued.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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