[RFI] Solar Panel RFI Awareness At Dayton

Hare, Ed, W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Thu May 26 08:32:41 EDT 2022

>> But, please......PLEASE, if you are experiencing problems with a solar
>> power home installation, document it carefully and take it to the ARRL, NOT
>> FCC.  FCC will ignore your problem submission.  They listen, so far, to
>> ARRL.

If a complaint clearly involves amateur radio, the FCC won't ignore it; it will send the complaint to Laura Smith, who will, after a brief review to see that it involves amateur radio and appears to be an actual complaint, will send it to ARRL to undertake the work of evaluating the case and trying to help the involved parties resolve it.

> One of hundreds, of not thousands, of radio clubs in the US, but not
> from an affected user licensed by them, in response to a violation of
> their own rules, that in theory, only they enforce?  Sounds legit...

ARRL is far from just one of hundreds or thousands of radio clubs in the US and the FCC is well aware of that.  Many clubs and organizations are doing some exceptionally good things in amateur radio, and in their areas of competence they do more than ARRL could do for their parts of of amateur radio, but none those organizations do the wide range of what ARRL is undertaking and none have the paid staff, industry connections and decades of RFI experience ARRL has on staff and has access to through its work with other organizations. Not even close and if ARRL has a world-class RFI/EMC program, it is by intent and the support of more members than any club or organization has.

> Anyone have the link that was going around a few years ago
> where RFI issues were filed directly with the FCC for investigation,
> and enforcement?  The process worked like this, as discussed
> extensively in this forum:

To my knowledge, that system never worked to do more than to collect some data to tabulate the number of cases for FCC reports. ARRL started inputting cases into the system and none of the amateurs ever received any communication from FCC about the case. It may work better now, but if that system worked, Riley never would have had to get involved in RFI cases and the FCC would not be continuing what he started through Laura Smith.

It would be interesting to see what happens with a fresh complaint, though, although it is not specific to amateur radio, so I am not sure it will get routed to Smith in the normal fashion.

Ed Hare, W1RFI

From: RFI <rfi-bounces+w1rfi=arrl.org at contesting.com> on behalf of KD7JYK DM09 <kd7jyk at earthlink.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 2:38 AM
To: RFI Mail list at contesting.com <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] Solar Panel RFI Awareness At Dayton

> But, please......PLEASE, if you are experiencing problems with a solar
> power home installation, document it carefully and take it to the ARRL, NOT
> FCC.  FCC will ignore your problem submission.  They listen, so far, to

One of hundreds, of not thousands, of radio clubs in the US, but not
from an affected user licensed by them, in response to a violation of
their own rules, that in theory, only they enforce?

Sounds legit...

Anyone have the link that was going around a few years ago where RFI
issues were filed directly with the FCC for investigation, and
enforcement?  The process worked like this, as discussed extensively in
this forum:

"you fill out an online complaint form with the FCC, the offender is
"red-flagged" in the computers as being a violator, and sent a notice to
resolve the issue.  They are sent another letter in a couple of weeks or
a month or so asking both you and them how it was resolved and if done
to your satisfaction.  If not, they give them a set time to resolve it,
then ask again, if not, maybe a couple more, if not resolved then they
start to send the threatening letters, quoting all sorts of violations
of Federal law, fines per incident per day, et cetera and inform them to
resolve it again and so forth.  Once they are flagged, it doesn't stop
until YOU inform the feds it's now fixed.  Since it's computerized, it's
automated and perpetual and doesn't stop until resolved and the "red
flag" is removed from their name."

I don't imagine many people want to get caught up in a scenario like the
movie "Brazil", and may go out of their way to resolve the issue, on the
other hand, they can ignore the process, and see how it plays out.

This looks like the current link, has a drop-down for interference:



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