[RFI] Solar inverter RFI experience - Delta versus Sunny Boy

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Nov 27 06:06:42 EST 2022

On 11/26/2022 12:30 PM, John Langdon wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with Delta string inverters re RFI? Sunny Boy has good reputation re low RFI - what about Delta?

My neighbor, W6GJB, a serious engineer, has studied solar systems 
extensively, and holds Sunny Boy in high regard. We both favors strings 
of multiple LV sources in series, so that the rlesulting magnetic field, 
which is related to CURRENT, not voltage, is relatively small. It is the 
FIELD produced by the current that causes RFI.

There's more to it than that, of course. Conductors carrying that 
current, which is pulse-modulated to control charging, and which MUST be 
twisted pair, because it is rich in harmonics that would be radiated as 

Glen, W6GJB, has a great view of the sun, so a well-designed solar 
system could work for him. I'm surrounded by so many tall redwoods that 
block the sun from any possible solar panel array that such a system is 
impractical for me.

73, Jim K9YC

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